Standard delivery orders are dispatched by carrier and normally take between 3 and 5 working days to arrive, depending on your location.
Rest of the World Overseas delivery is £19.99 per order. Please note we do not currently offer an express delivery for overseas deliveries.
Orders are dispatched by carrier and can take up to 15 working days, depending on your location. We’ll endeavour to provide delivery tracking information for your order.
This Thistle Round Hanger with a tartan background is a lovely keepsake gift. This quirky gift is made from oak veneered wood with a tartan background. Due to the unique nature of each piece of wood, every product may have a different finish & appearance. With over 50 combined years experience in creating traditional handcrafted goods, from Traceys kiltmaking days & Kevs time as a blacksmith and a passion for all things craft, we have developed our own range of uniquely crafted products.
Made from Oak veneered wood, Polyviscose tartan, hardboard wood.