Standard delivery orders are dispatched by carrier and normally take between 3 and 5 working days to arrive, depending on your location.
Rest of the World Overseas delivery is £19.99 per order. Please note we do not currently offer an express delivery for overseas deliveries.
Orders are dispatched by carrier and can take up to 15 working days, depending on your location. We’ll endeavour to provide delivery tracking information for your order.
The Recycled Wool Chevron Throw in Red is a charming and sustainable addition to any living space.
Made from 100% wool, the chevron weave adds a touch of elegance and versatility to any decor. Each fibre is respun from redundant carpet yarn, repurposing what would have otherwise been thrown away.
The delicate red hue brings a sense of warmth and tranquillity to any room. Embrace comfort, style, and sustainability with this throw.
Please note, that due to the nature of recycled wool, colours may differ slightly from what is shown on-screen.
Machine Wash According To Instructions On Care Label