Standard delivery orders are dispatched by carrier and normally take between 3 and 5 working days to arrive, depending on your location.
Rest of the World Overseas delivery is £19.99 per order. Please note we do not currently offer an express delivery for overseas deliveries.
Orders are dispatched by carrier and can take up to 15 working days, depending on your location. We’ll endeavour to provide delivery tracking information for your order.
Our exclusive Pink Castle Tartan Inspired Arc Earrings are part of a bespoke range created exclusively for us by Jenni Douglas, drawing inspiration from the Pink Castle tartan, a designed in celebration of the restoration of Craigievar Castle.
Each earring features a captivating arc design, meticulously adorned with our bespoke Pink Castle tartan pattern.
Handcrafted with care and attention to detail, they offer a timeless elegance that effortlessly complements any ensemble, whether you're attending a formal event or adding a touch of sophistication to your everyday look.
Made from lightweight and hypo-allergenic aluminium.